Condiciones de uso

We deliver to 12 different countries: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, France, Germany, Luxembourg, Italy, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain and the United Kingdom. The estimated time of delivery is from 4 to 8 working days. Shipping costs 8€ and 4,5€ to the Iberian Peninsula

Once your order has left our warehouse, the logistic supplier will contact you with all the tracking information.

The first attempt is always to the delivery address the customers specify to make it the most comfortable. When the customer is not available, the carrier will leave a delivery service notice to arrange a second attempt.

Please, note that after 4-7 days from the first attempt, when there is no answer, the order will be returned to origin. Uncollected orders will be returned to Artesta and we will charge the customer a fee of 15€ due to inverse logistics.


When purchasing products on the Website you have a 14-day withdrawal period. The Customer has the right to cancel any purchase notifying Artesta within 14 days from when the Customer receives the product.

The Customer will assume the freight costs and must present a valid document to recognize the order. The product must be well-packaged in good condition and with the original protection and packaging. The status of the returned product is not the responsibility of Artesta.

Artesta will refund you the amount of the products returned once we have verified that the instructions given has being followed correctly and the product is in good condition. However, we reserve the right to deduct the depreciation in value of the product compared to the original product or when the depreciation in value is due to having handled the product.

Those returns due to a manufacturing defect or the transport, Artesta will assume the freight costs and we will send you a new product with no cost added. Exchanges are processed like a regular return.

Sealed products cannot be returned or exchanged if the seal is broken.

Further information about our return and exchange policy can be read here.

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